Alhamdulillah, I did it

Finally, I completed all process to get principle of continuing study. On January, I took TOEFL test and the result just in the line of requirement to study in domestic. On April, I sent my application to DSDM and on June, I had to take psikotest.

The feedback of psikotest was positive to continue of master degree. And then, I had to submit the curriculum vitae and motivation statement for interview.

I browse any information about scholarships and I really feel sorry Why I didn't look for scholarships earlier? I realize that I was too old for hunting scholarships from external institution. I read the motivation statement and the preparation of interview from someone in their blog, its raise my passion to get scholarship from my office.

And after all, I had interview in english on Monday 9, September 2013 by interviewer team . Wish me luck the result will be as expected.


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